This is simply an extra post that I decided to do based on an article that was presented in my Economics class. First, I was amazed at how well this article corresponded to my blog and then upon further reading I was amazed by the results of studies that were displayed in the article. As you by now probably know my blog is focusing on new technologies that can reduce America's carbon footprint. Upon reading this article I realized that the current energy production methods used by the United States cause many more problems than just excessive carbon dioxide output and that there is an even greater urge to implement new greener technologies into society. A study ordered by Congress concluded that the United States spends upwards of 120 BILLION dollars a year due to health costs related to air pollution that is caused by coal and oil. This enormous number doesn’t even cover the costs of global warming or “burning oil for trains, ships and planes.” This figure also does not include costs associated with the “environmental damage from coal mining or the pollution of rivers with chemicals that were filtered from coal plant smokestacks to keep the air clean.” In all honesty I can’t do the study justice in a short post so I would suggest reading the article and you will see how great a difference green technology can make for us now and for the future.
Is this $120 billion from the US government through medicare/medicaid or is this $120 billion from the United States citizens? Nevertheless, this money could be spent by the government or the people more efficiently on better services and goods that could also stimulate the economy. Also, the hospital and health care industry would lose money if fossil fuel dependency is lessened, which is an added bonus haha. I would much rather they suffer than you or I.