Tuesday, November 3, 2009


I don't want to sound overly dramatic but the future of the world is currently hanging in the balance. At least in regards to the environmental changes that are taking place and the impact man is having on these changes. The general consensus among scientist is that global warming is occurring and we can take certain measures to reduce our impact on it. Green technology is a relatively new invention but since its recent rise it has taken off and there have been numerous potentially world changing inventions. From solar power plants to hydro powered cities the future must contain green technology if we wish to reduce global warming. All of this is generally agreed upon but the main issue of the economics involved is a major concern. I have shown many ways that green technology can have a positive effect on the economy and how we can begin implementing green technology in a cost effective manner. Prices have continually dropped since green technology has been born and the government incentives to go green have risen. With time these technologies will become even less expensive and I believe eventually will be a common aspect of our society. However, we do not have unlimited time thus we must begin now. If we do not go green soon we may do more harm to the environment than we can fix. While we may not see the immediate effects of our indecisiveness and procrastination of going green our children and their children certainly will. Human beings generally don't have a tendency towards long term planning but we must realize the signs of environmental change now and plan accordingly for the sake of future generations.


  1. I think it's really interesting and important to bring up the point that although we may never see the affects out indecisiveness and procrastination have upon the world, our children or children's children will. The point many scientists are trying to make known is that it's not always all about us. Just because the affects of global warming won't become extreme enough to be apparent to all people doesn't mean that forever. Of course not forever. Most people who think global warming if faux think that it's just not extreme currently, but that's the point. We need to prevent something that we can prevent. I mean, why not?

  2. I believe the points brought up are very important and need to be taken into consideration. We can not let global warming keep taking its toll on the world. Even if it means spending money, in the end would it not be better to save the world than save money? I feel like global warming is advancing and harming the world each and every day and feel that going green is the only option that could eventually protect the future. Our society need to consider helping ensure their child's future problems and start now by going green.
